Monday, October 26, 2009

Free Admission? No Thanks.

Recently visited the California Academy of Sciences on one of those free days. Well, we got what we paid for. Long lines, snarky crowds, and noisy kids. What is it about humans that make them go crazy when there are free samples, or a gift with purchase, or free oxygen. It's like they can't survive without it. It wasn't all a bust. Luckily, we got to see the albino crocodile (it got hospitalized shortly after), and the giant sea bass, and handled some pretty cool sea urchin. BTW, sea urchin is so yummy in sushi form. Check out picture below. No, of course you don't eat the spikey things, it's what's inside that counts - or so claims all unattractive beings, but in the case of sea urchins, it's true.

So, if I learned anything that day, it's that Free isn't always what it's cracked up to be. I'd rather pay the $5.00 entrance fee...what's that? It's $24.95 for young looking adults like me?...Ummm, on second thought...

Anywho, check out that giant fish. Is it just me or does the sight of that giant fish make you hungry for some fish and chips? Bangusilog? Mc Donald's Filet-O-Fish? Boullabaise? Ariel's bottom half? Oh, the culinary possibilities!

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