Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Combination Soup
Monday, November 16, 2009
Youth, Where Art Thou, Youth? How I miss you.
Above, you'll see Herminia's After Picture a day post alien impregnation, er... , hair transplantation.
Crispity, Crunchity Goodness at PPQ
However, I think there are two mistakes about its presence in the menu :
1. It should not be called pepper corn chicken wings. The appropriate name is "garlic chips and peppercorn chicken wings". The abundance of the garlique sprinkled all over the plate is enough to kill all who belong to Team Edward, which is fine by me as I belong to Team Jacob.
2. This dish should not be categorized as an appetizer. It's sooo satisfying and they don't skimp on the portions, so it should be in the Entrees Section of their menu. Deelish!
I know, I know - some of you are already thinking that there are other, more noteworthy chicken wing dishes in San Francisco, (specifically San Tung's wet chicken wings - drool!) but as far as dry fried, garlicky chicken wings are concerned, I must stand my ground and say: PPQ, you rock my world! Die, vampires, die! BTW, I think PPQ stands for Pleasantly Pleasing the Queens. Another reason why I love this place. TTFN! (Ta Ta For Now)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Idina Who?
Well, it's finally happened. Hell has frozen over. I never, ever imagined that a male character in a primetime TV show would be given a chance to belt out a seminal piece of music such as "Defying Masculinity", I mean, "Defying Gravity", but that's exactly what happened at last night's episode of Glee, and I had to pinch myself a few times to realize it was true. It's official, gays are mainstream now, you all need to get used to it. After you've gotten used to it, you can take the obvious next step, adore the gays.
Yo, I'm not saying you need to start loving broadway musicals and start subscribing to Inches, but for reals, yo. It's time to evolve and society today dictates that gay bashing is passe', and gay embracing is au courant.
I'm not saying be like Kathy G., or Lady G., just be Yoself, G. Truedat.
Note: I can't believe I just typed "Truedat", but I think it kinda worked for this blog's content. PeaceOut! Ooops, I did it again.
To Do: Now that hell is frozen, it's time to get some pigs flying - the mission is to make Trannies the next accepted social group. So what if they are perceived as anomalies of nature? That's how homosexuals have been deemed since written history. Having the phrase, "Tranny Hot Mess" skyrocket to American familiarity is the first baby step, thanks to Project Runway alum Christian Siriano. It's time to trust your instincts, close your eyes and take a big leap - how about a pre-op tranny for president?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Pampered - then Pestered at Pampas
Krispy Kreme Cravings
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Underwater Modeling 101
Tip: You will see a blue line on the pool's floor, make sure you hang around the deep side of the line or you'll get mean stares/whistles form the lifeguards!
Yazed accompanied me for this shoot and she did some "smizing" as well. She's not as modelesque as I am, but she's still in the running toward becoming America's Next Top Modelle. Tyra will be proud of her, she just may be the right kind of contestant for that famous reality show. Well, Tyra's done shorties, why not sea creatures, right?
Things to remember when modeling underwater:
1) Never wear chum necklaces when there are sharks around. They're predatory, you know.
2) Do not do a photoshoot in Waikiki seven to twelve days after the full moon. Box jellyfishies will get ya! For reals, ya'll.
3) Always leave electronics on terra firma. Your iPhone, as multi-talented as it is, does not have an app that turns it into fish.
4) Don't go in the water immediately after eating. Your mommie dearest was right.
5) When farting, make sure you splash around and generate lots of bubbles with your flailing limbs. This way your fart bubbles are camouflaged by your "distraction" bubbles.
Of Parched, Polka-Dotted Panoramas and Probes
On my flight back, I was anticipating seeing the same landscape spectacle. Alas, I ended up at the wrong side of the plane and instead of seeing the red cliffs that I witnessed earlier, I saw ...dundundun (50's horror soundtrack)...alien abduction sites! These polka-dotted location is a place where the aliens abduct all the people who gambled and lost their rent/food money along with their will to live, so desperation led them to the Extra Terrestial's call to submit to lurid experiments, i.e. anal probing!
Moral: Do not gamble all of your money away, unless you want to end up in an eerie, polka-dotted land where you play the role of a guinea pig for these lascivious aliens waiting in the outskirts of Vegas.
Note: Not all aliens are anal probers, some are probees (aka bottoms)...just so you know. Don't want to propagate any sort of stereotype. Aliens are human, too.