To hold us over we decide to get some drinks, the Mocha was way tooooooo sweet. Avoid it.
We asked for cups to get water from the drinking fountain, just to wash down that syrupy sweet after-taste left by the Mocha drink. Ironic that we can't wait to have our mouths filled by an equally saccharin, be-holed, fried morsel. Tick tock, tick tock. How much longer.Tick tock.
Finally, I see it...plop, plop. Doughnuts were being plopped into the hot oil/conveyor belt. It's begun. Mini Krullers were cooking! The perfectly portioned pieces dropped from the doohickey into the hot oil, flipped over by the oil-soaked conveyor machine, doused by winter-white glaze ...nothing in this planet can be more mesmerizing...and Voila! Time to eat.
Jonsey Balonsey Avatar: "Hi, Can I get a half-dozen of the freshly made doughnuts?"
Krispy Kreme Staff: "Sure."
Jonsey Balonsey Avatar: "Since we waited so long for freshly made ones, can we get some free samples?" (Smiling)
Krispy Kreme Staff: "Ummm...." (Silence - Looks down as if something really interesting is happening on the floor) "Here's your change. Have a good day." (Avoiding further eye contact, lest I ask for her first born)
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