However, I think there are two mistakes about its presence in the menu :
1. It should not be called pepper corn chicken wings. The appropriate name is "garlic chips and peppercorn chicken wings". The abundance of the garlique sprinkled all over the plate is enough to kill all who belong to Team Edward, which is fine by me as I belong to Team Jacob.
2. This dish should not be categorized as an appetizer. It's sooo satisfying and they don't skimp on the portions, so it should be in the Entrees Section of their menu. Deelish!
I know, I know - some of you are already thinking that there are other, more noteworthy chicken wing dishes in San Francisco, (specifically San Tung's wet chicken wings - drool!) but as far as dry fried, garlicky chicken wings are concerned, I must stand my ground and say: PPQ, you rock my world! Die, vampires, die! BTW, I think PPQ stands for Pleasantly Pleasing the Queens. Another reason why I love this place. TTFN! (Ta Ta For Now)
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